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Podcast: Take a leap & Transform, A Neurodiversity Journey Podcast

About the show

Every two weeks, my purpose is to bring you through a journey of Neurodiversity awareness and skillsets in the workplace and with entrepreneurs. This is all about transforming our mindset, finding purpose, discovering our superpowers, setting clear goals and creating solutions that will increase productivity and profitability by becoming more inclusive and diverse.

Joseph K Muscat

Do You feel you have a journey that you can share with our Take a Leap & Transform community?

1. We are looking for Neurodivergent talent to share their experiences.
2. We are looking for business leaders and coaches who can deliver DEI&B solutions to businesses.
3. We are looking for mindset professionals who can empower Nuerodivergent talent
If this sounds like you then fill out our

Joseph K Muscat Consulting

Episode 01: Welcome to my podcast

In this inaugural episode, I launch my podcast where I give a quick bio, explain this channel is about Neurodiversity in the workplace and entrepreneurs.

Episode 02: Neurodiversity: Do you know who you work with?



A workplace environment is filled with a wide variety of people.  Some are recognized others are ignored, while others face Neurodiversity challenges that are not understood or supportive.  Employes and managers can see these employees challenges as difficult because, for example, they have time management or focusing issues; which, in turn, leads to productivity concerns….

Podcast: Take a leap & Transform, A Neurodiversity Journey PodcastEpisode 03: Neurodiversity: Focus On their Strengths, not their challenges


Has any manager, hr, or owner ever said to you, if I had known that you were ADHD or Dyslexic or … I’ll let you fill in the blank, that I would have never hired you!

And, this could be despite the fact that you have worked for them for several years where you may have performed well at your job and yet they only see your difference and immediately discriminate.

In today’s episode, I provide some examples of skills you would want when hiring a Neurodiversity individual…

Episode 04: Neurodiversity: Learned Helplessness



We often get caught in this vicious internal cycle, where we believe we can’t accomplish anything because of our learning difficulties. We become to believe that we are not capable of a particular subject or task because we are not good enough or we are just not intelligent.

When this goes unchecked, it leads to depression, it can affect intelligence, lead to low performance and, of course, poor self-esteem

What do we call this?

We know this as Learned helplessness…

Episode 05: Neurodiversity: Employers, Managers, Are you understood?


When we get our message out, and everyone has understood us, we are delighted, as this means we presented well. Those around us join our cause and they know what to do to get the task done.

The dilemma is how often are we truly understood and how often do we take the time to ensure those that we lead and manage understand our message of what we want?

Too often leaders and managers fire off instructions or commands with the expectations that because they have spoken that all is made clear and that everyone has understood. What is even funnier is they tell them to take notes as if the note-taking alone will further solidify that they had understood…


Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 06: Neurodiversity: Mental Health In The Workplace


When we get our message out, and

Are you facing an unbearable wall with no one to turn to? Or are you told to move on, take a pill and just deal with it?

Let’s be honest, mental health in the workplace is not a new topic. We know it is an issue that will not go away and it faces resistance in environments where co-workers, managers and employers do not want to acknowledge mental health because it is ‘taboo’. What makes this more challenging is the lack of understanding that the mind and body are connected, which means poor mental health can and does affect the body. Yet, many individuals who deal with these issues daily are afraid to be open up to what they face, both with their family or on the job…

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 07: Neurodiversity: Let’s Create An Individual Work Plan


A question that comes up from business and their hr or manager executives is how do we apply Neurodiversity strategies where we can measure adequate outcomes that are a win-win for both us and the employee?

This is a fair and justifiable question and my answer to this is to be “Be People-Centric” where the employee is the priority with the support and accommodations needed…


Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 8: Improve Your Memory with Mark Channon: Brain Performance & Start-Up Coach


How do you improve your memory?

You never know what you can achieve till you break through that barrier in your subconscious. 

Today I am pleased to be joined by my mentor Mark Channon, who is my Brain Performance Coach.  He helps individuals develop memory strategies in their professions and businesses through various techniques that he has developed.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 9: Life With Asperger’s With Andrew Marsh Part 1


As a young boy and throughout much of his adult life, Andrew Marsh knew he was different and didn’t know why till the age of 51, where he was diagnosed with Asperger’s syndrome.

In this two-part interview with Andrew, he shares with you his life growing up where both his parents and teachers ask, “what do we do with Andrew?” To later in his career, where he is respected and valued for his insight in the construction industry as an engineer.

Today Andrew is a speaker, author and consultant. Through, his various outlets, Andrew helps to bring awareness about Asperger’s in adults and works with businesses to help them see the benefits in both employing and providing support to their Asperger’s employees.

Joseph K Muscat Consulting

Episode 10: Life With Aspergers With Andrew Marsh Part 2

In part 2  of my interview with Andrew, he goes into detail about how he become diagnosed with Aspergers, how his life was afterwards and then this followed by three essential tips that any business can apply when either employing or integrating an existing employee with Asperger’s into their 

Joseph K Muscat Consulting

Episode 11: Raise The Floor: Interview With Ray Hurst


Who is Ray Hurst? Ray has dedicated his career to being a personal transformation coach and Corporate Training where he guides people to reach their ideal future.  During our time together we touched on many topics such as handling past events, how businesses need to invest in the emotions of their employees and my favourite, raise the floor with you.

Ray is also an international speaker and coach, a pastor, a missionary, author. He has started and run three companies and a ministry where he is now building a local and national outreach to raise awareness of absent and abusive fathers.

Joseph K Muscat Consulting

Episode 12: Finance: Interview With Zac Juergensen


One of the challenges the Neurominority faces is the management of their finance.  This can be due to their Neurodiversity and the difficulties with either their trial and tribulations as an employee or an entrepreneur.


It is because of this I am pleased to have introduced Zac Juergensen.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 13: Defining Management With Pascal Dricot


Management, what makes a good manager?  Or how can a business create an environment which engages employees successfully?


In this episode I am interviewing Pascal Dricot, former VP of an international electronic company and now the Managing Director for The Golden Space Europe.  During our hour and a half talk, Pascal gracefully shares both his experience and philosophy on the topics of running a business, management, being a mentor to employees and providing professional career development advice

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 14: Developing A Clear Path Of Communication With Shari Foos


Being able to communicate seems easy, yet, we have difficulty expressing ourselves or being understood.  With Shari Foos guidance, discover that to be an effective communicator we first must deal with our inner communications before we can become an effective communicators to others.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 15: The Center for Learning Unlimited: Interview with Marlene Sharp


Marlene joins us today not to talk about The Centre of Learning Unlimited, as a school that has created a 3-year Animation training program for Autistic Adults and out of this was born Brainstorm Productions, where the graduates work on various projects within the TV & Film Industry. 

Episode 16: What Does it Mean to Be Overwhelmed: Interview With Maria-Gabriele Doublesin


As Neurodiverse individuals we are constantly adjusting to fit into the environments we are working in where we need to meet expectations we set for ourselves and from what others expect of us.  During these times we can end up being overwhelmed, but what does that truly mean?

Today we are joined by Maria-Gabriele Doublesin, who walks us through the understanding of what it means to be overwhelmed, how this impacts us mentally and physically, what can the workplace can do and what we can do.

Episode 17: Building Foundation For Neurodiversity Inclusion with Helga Ellul: Part 1


Often, the best way to learn to be inclusive for Neurodiverse Talent is to learn from example. Therefore, I am pleased to have Helga Ellul. She was the former CEO of Playmobil Malta Ltd from 1971 to 2012. Between 2009 to 2012, they chose her to be the first female president of the Malta Chamber of Commerce and is now the President of Core Platform, Malta’s National CSR Platform.


Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 18: Building Foundation For Neurodiversity Inclusion with Helga Ellul: Part 2


In part one with Helga Ellul, we talked about culture, mentoring and creating a learning environment.

In part two, Helga and I talk about moving towards being more inclusive and how businesses and managers need to adapt and recognize the potential of their employees.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 19: Mapping Your Business with David Casseus


 I am joined by David Casseus founder and Director of Wizeba which is a business consulting firm. David helps business owners find freedom in their business through the use of business mapping.

Even more so, his system can aid in neurodiversity at work in ensuring talent is utilized correctly and managers identify the skills between talent and team.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 20: Learn How To Become A Master Networker With Dr Ivan Misner


On my 20th episode, I am pleased to be joined by whom CNN & Forbes call the Father of Modern Networking, Dr Ivan Misner.

Together, we talk about BNI, networking, mindset, values, and how to be a Master Networker. This all relates to Neurodiversity and how to create an inclusive workplace.

During the interview, Dr Minser shares something quite personal with us for the first time ever.

Episode 21: Manager Your Distortions Interview With Stephanie HutchingsEpisode 21: Manager Your Distortions Interview With Stephanie Hutchings


In this episode am joined by Stephanie Hutchings of The Resilient Workplace. Together, we talk about mental health in relation to cognitive distortions, conflict resolution, and how this all relates to Neurodiversity and the workplace.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 22: Let’s Get Organized with Kitti Andrews


In this episode am joined by Kitti Andrews of The Resilient Workplace. Together, we talk about mental health in relation to cognitive distortions, conflict resolution, and how this all relates to Neurodiversity and the workplace.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 23: Lead with Intent with Cornelia Raubal


In this episode, I am joined by Executive Coach Cornelia Raubal, who assists women to empower themselves in a male dominant industry. Together, we chat about how imposter syndrome impacts our lives, which leads to developing self-awareness and developing the skills to lead with intent.

All three links to neurodiversity because of how we view our various diversities, which impacts our self-esteem and workplace performance

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 24: Tiny Connections with Jen Nash


You be surprised how a good connection can lead to that opportunity you’ve been after but how do we make those connections and where can we find the right time to make those connections.

In today’s episode, I am joined by Jen Nash, executive trainer, coach and the author of the book “The Big Power of Tiny Connections.”

Together we explore how to go about making connections even in the most difficult situations.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 25: Let’s Talk Management with Jason  Lauritsen


For my 25th episode, I am joined by management trainer, author and speaker, Jason Lauritsen

He shares with us his thoughts on how to cultivate talent through the management and how businesses can move toward creating new systems that embrace employees’ differences. 

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 26: 1 Year Anniversary


It’s been an amazing year of content and guests.

Let’s celebrate this past year as we continue our journey.

Episode 27: ADHD and Writing with Paulette PerhachEpisode 27: ADHD and Writing with Paulette Perhach


In this episode, I am joined by Paulette Perhach.  Together we jump into a discussion regarding her late diagnosis with ADHD, how this opened the door to a clearer understanding of who she has always and how this has impacted her writing career.

Episode 28: Ride your chariot with Josevie JacksonEpisode 28: Ride your chariot with Josevie Jackson


Learn to thrive and develop your resources to move past your obstacles with Josevie Jackson and her book ‘Thrive and Be Somebody’ Listen as she takes us through a few of her 11 steps and we talk about being inclusive to Neurodiverse talent. 

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 29: A Dyslexia Journey with Chantal Gagnon


Chantal Gagnon takes on her dyslexia journey, from her time in school to her work experience.  We dive into a deep discussion on the challenges in getting accommodations and land on her business, Socolo which provides custom-made notebooks for dyslexic professionals. 

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 30:

Fit For Purpose Mindset with Ashley Bishop


Ever experienced when you jumped into a project, regardless if it’s personal or professional and you find yourself in a seesaw of success and failure?

This can very well be because you are not fit for purpose from a mindset framework.  In this episode, I am joined by Ashley Bishop, who is a high-performance coach and personal trainer. Ashly discovered that in order for his client to reach their true success they need fit for purpose attitude.  

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 31:

NoticeAbility & Dean Bragonier


NoticeAbility is a non-profit organisation whose purpose is to support Dyslexia students to become aware of their strengths and build a proper self-image.

I talk with the founder of  NoticeAbility, Dean Bragonier and we talk about business, the workplace, create environments where Dyslexics can excel.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 32:

Define your value with Beate Chelette


Defining your value is perhaps one of the most important steps you will take in your career and yet many of us struggle in knowing how to accomplish that.

Today  I am joined by Beate Chelette who aids leaders and visionaries in Developing strategies for how to position themselves to be in demand.

Joseph K Muscat Consultancy Episode 33:

Meet Haley Moss the Autistic Lawyer


Today we chat with Haley Moss, the first openly Autistic Lawyer in the state of Florida USA and a Tedx Speaker.  Together we discuss accommodations, University and how to support Neurodivgerent talent in the business community. 

Episode 34:

Workplace Engagement & Policy with Simon Preston

Simon Preston of Embrace Neurodiversity Ltd, delve into how current workplace policies and practices create barriers and how the lack of management skills creates uncertainty for Neurodivergent talent.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 35:

Education & Mental Health with Kristen C Eccleston

Today I am joined by Kristen Eccleston who is a former teacher and now mental health advocate for Neurodiverse students. She assists students and their families navigate the educational system to get the support they need to ensure educational success and lay the foundation for their professional career goals.


Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 36:

Education, adults & coaching with Genie Love

Meet Genie Love, a former high school teacher, who worked with Neurodiverse high school students and now coaches Neurodivergent professionals. In this episode, with my guest, we explore how students to are looking to survive the education system to professionals who are looking to find direction in their lives.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 37:

3 Key tips to be a more effective communicator and

public speaker with Brenden Kumarasamay


Listen to Brenden Kumarasamay, a communications specialist and public speaker coach, as he shares 3 key principles that you implement every day to become more effective with both your communication and public speaking skills.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 38:

Let’s talk recruitment with Fran Moisa Part 1

Many Neurodivergents struggle with the recruitment process. The reason for this is because is that hiring managers are unaware of how they are excluding 

This is part 1 of 2 interviews with Fran Moisa from FM Search Recruitment.

Joseph K MuscatEpisode 39:

Let’s talk recruitment with Fran Moisa Part 2

In part 2 with Fran Moisa, we continue our conversation regarding recruitment and get her perspective on how the process can be more inclusive of Neurodiverse talent in the workplace

Joseph K MuscatEpisode 40:

Human Resources with Hilda Gan Part 1

In the first part of my conversation with Hilda Gan, we explored and examined the role of human resources. In part 2 of our chat, we look at how Human resources can become more inclusive and support Neurodiverse talent in the workplace. 

Joseph K MuscatEpisode 41:

Human Resources with Hilda Gan Part 2

In part 2 with Fran Moisa, we continue our conversation regarding recruitment and get her perspective on how the process can be more inclusive of Neurodiverse talent in the workplace

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 42:

Understanding dyscalculia with Nina Peischl

This week I am pleased to be joined by Nina Peischl who shares her dyscalculia journey, and the impact it has on her life and career.

Joseph K Muscat ConsultingEpisode 43:

Jeremy Nagel’s Journey to Focus Bear

Jeremy Nagel is a serial entrepreneur who is both Autistic and ADHD, but didn’t know until a late diagnosis. Together we talk about his journey with his ups/downs and difficulties with managing business.

We then dive into his latest business and app Focus Bear. An app designed to support ADHDers to assist them in staying focus and develop a process to balance work and life.

Joseph K MuscatEpisode 44:

Welcome diverse thinking with Ed Thompson

In this week’s episode, my guest is Ed Thompson, the Founder & CEO of Uptimize, a company dedicated to bringing Neurodiversity inclusion in the workplace.

Ed has published his first book, ‘A Hidden Force: Unlocking the Potential of Neurodiversity at Work” We talk about sections of his book that focus on how businesses, of any size, can be inclusive and why they should be cultivating neurodiversity. work and life.


Episode 45:

Thinking Out Loud: Redefining Productivity


This week I think out loud with you about a conversation I had regarding redefining productivity, the work day and how to do that.

Joseph K Muscat Consulting Episode 46:

Thinking Out Loud – Small Business, Inclusion and Not a Penny More

‘I will not spend a penny more for any accommodations!’

The statement was made by a small business owner who is looking at running a business and trying to figure out how to be inclusive to Neurodivergent talent.

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy Episode 47:

Graham Hulbert: Early & Late Neurodiversity Journey

Meet Graham Hulbert, who was identified with Dyslexia at a young Age. Listen as he shares his story of trauma and discovery, to putting all the pieces together that led to a portfolio career.

   Episode 48:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultancyThe Art of Speech with Richard Blank

There is a real art to the use of language and with this comes a skill to how we communicate. When mastered you have the ability to communicate eloquently in person or over the phone.

In this episode, we have the pleasure to welcome Richard Blank, CEO of Costa Rica’s largest call centre. Richard has developed a colourful use of language that motivates and inspires the use of speech with his 10,000 employees. 

Together we engage on how to develop and use such language and then jump into how business leaders can inspire and motivate through inclusion principles and practices.

   Episode 49:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Thinking Out Loud: Ensuring we are all invited to dance

Together we engage on how to develop and use such language and then jump into how business leaders can inspire and motivate through inclusion principles and practices.

   Episode 50:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultancyThinking Out Loud: Are you inclusive with Intention

Are you truly embracing inclusivity and intentionality towards Neurodivergent talent in your business? Join me as I delve into this crucial topic, highlighting the ways in which neglecting these factors can adversely affect your bottom line. Gain valuable insights and discover the importance of fostering a truly inclusive environment.

   Episode 51:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultancyThinking Out Loud:

Dive deep into Metrics, Recognition & Psychological safety at work

In this edition of “Thinking Out Loud,” I take a closer look at the thought-provoking book “The Power Difference” written by Simon Fanshawe. Having recently finished reading it, I am excited to share and discuss three fundamental topics that strongly resonate with both Neurodivergents and diverse workplaces. Let’s explore their significance and implications together.

   Episode 52:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultancyThinking Out Loud:

Do you have a Business Case for Neurodivergent Inclusion?

In this week’s podcast episode, I tackle a common challenge businesses face: the reluctance to embrace Neurodiversity inclusion. One key issue is the absence of a comprehensive business case, leading to overlooked benefits and misconceptions. Join me as I delve into this topic and shed light on the importance of a well-structured approach.

   Episode 53:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultancyThinking Out Loud:

What Are Spike Profiles

In this week’s focus, I am excited to delve into the tool known as Spike Profiles. While this tool may not be widely recognized at present, its significance is paramount, warranting a shift in this perception. Spike Profiles possess remarkable potential, not only for individuals but also for workplaces seeking to enhance their support for Neurodivergent employees.

Through our exploration, I aim to highlight the immense value that Spike Profiles bring to the table. By delving into this tool, we have the opportunity to reshape workplaces, offering comprehensive insights that facilitate the creation of an inclusive and empowering environment for Neurodivergent individuals.

   Episode 54:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultant Gen Z and Neurodivergents with Trevor Bruintjes

In this week’s installment, we are privileged to have Trevor Bruintjes, a highly experienced Business Consultant, joining us as our featured guest. Together, we embark on an enlightening exploration, drawing connections and highlighting the shared attributes between Generation Z and the Neurodivergent community within the modern workplace. Tune in for a captivating conversation that promises to illuminate these converging themes and their impact on today’s professional arenas.

   Episode 55:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultantThe Athletic World is another Neurodivergent workplace with Nathan Sherratt

The realm of athletics often embodies qualities of determination, showcasing triumphs, and sometimes defeats, with the ultimate pursuit of medals and trophies. Amidst this perception, we sometimes overlook that it functions as another kind of workplace, where neurodivergent talent confronts challenges and opportunities akin to other professional environments.

Today, I have the privilege of introducing Nathan Sherratt, a seasoned professional referee who also happens to be autistic. Nathan graciously shares his unique professional journey and his advocacy within the sports arena.

    Episode 56:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultantAdvocacy and Employee Resources Groups with Niina Windsland

In the workplace, the decision to disclose one’s neurodivergence can be intimidating due to uncertain outcomes. Similarly, advocating for neurodivergent inclusion poses its challenges.

Niina Windsland took the courageous step of disclosing her autism, supported by HR, and led a Neurodivergent Employment resource group.

Join us for an illuminating discussion on Niina’s path of self-discovery and advocacy. Gain valuable insights into the complexities of disclosure and promoting inclusivity in the workplace.

    Episode 57:

Genetics and Behaviour with Dr Fredric Abramson

In conventional discussions, genetics is typically viewed through the lens of the medical model, characterizing neurodivergence as a condition warranting medication and treatment. Today, join us for a paradigm-shifting conversation as we challenge this traditional approach. Together with our guest, Dr. Fredric Abramson, we’ll explore a fresh perspective, embracing the social model to foster a more inclusive understanding of neurodivergence.

    Episode 58:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultantArt, entrepreneurship and the system vs people-centric

In this installment, I’m accompanied by Michaell Magrutsche, a multifaceted artist and fellow Neurodivergent. Together, we delve into topics such as adapting to systems, embracing individuality, fostering a people-centric approach, and the profound connection to art. Uncover the distinctive perspective involved in navigating societal norms and expressing creativity as a Neurodivergent individual. Join us for an exploration of these intriguing themes.

    Episode 59:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity ConsultancyBeyond the Surface:
A Deep Dive into Workplace Bullying

Come and join me alongside four panelists as we delve into bBrave’s “Research Study on Workplace Bullying and Ostracism in the Workplace.” 🌐 Together, we’ll examine a range of subjects, including how they intersect with Neurodivergent employees.

    Episode 60:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Gaining Board-Level Support: Advocating for Neurodiversity Integration

Noel and I are excited to delve into guiding businesses to understand their Neurodivergent employees better. Join us as we unravel the keys to unlocking diverse thinking in the workplace.

    Episode 61:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Diversifying Talent Strategies for Neurodiversity Recruitment

Delve into the expertise of Marc as he unveils the essential strategies for successfully recruiting neurodivergent talent!

Marc, a staunch advocate for neurodiversity, brings a wealth of experience in inclusive hiring to the forefront. Positioned as a leader in the field, he champions diverse and vibrant workplaces.

    Episode 62:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Inclusive Learning Simon Preston on NeuroEd and Workplace

Simon Preston, Director of Neurodiversity in Education CIC, offers his extensive expertise in advocating for inclusivity and driving transformative change for Neurodivergent educators. He underscores the significance of embracing their lived experiences to create a more supportive educational environment.

    Episode 63:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Unlocking Potential: Neurodiversity Best Practices for HR Professionals

Join Edana and Natalie for an exclusive session delving into HR best practices tailored specifically to support neurodivergent talent within the workplace. In this immersive experience, we’ll navigate through a comprehensive exploration, uncovering strategies and insights aimed at fostering inclusivity and maximizing the potential of neurodiverse employees.

    Episode 64:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Unlocking Potential: Neurodiversity Best Practices for HR Professionals

Dr. Erika Galea and I will discuss emotional regulation, executive function, and their impact on education and the workplace. We will define these concepts, highlight their roles in cognitive processing, and explore differences between neurotypical and neurodivergent individuals. We will also emphasize the importance of understanding neuroscience for business leaders and educators. Additionally, we will showcase Dr. Galea’s work at the Educational Neuroscience Hub, bridging the gap between research and practical application to prevent misinformation.

    Episode 65:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Creating Connections The Blueprint for Neurodiversity Inclusion

Join the three of us for a comprehensive discussion on actionable insights and best practices for fostering a more inclusive environment for neurodivergent talent. We’ll cover everything from refining recruitment processes to creating accommodating workplace policies, sharing practical strategies that enhance inclusivity and contribute to a positive, supportive atmosphere for all employees. Discover tangible steps towards building a workplace where neurodivergent individuals can thrive, bringing diverse perspectives and unique strengths to the forefront.


    Episode 66:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Harmonizing Coaching and Mentoring: A Blueprint for Workplace Success

We are excited to announce a special session focused on the crucial topic of accommodating mentorship and coaching for neurodivergent talent, led by the highly knowledgeable Dragan. This enlightening discussion will delve into the importance of mentorship for neurodivergent individuals and present actionable strategies that businesses can implement to foster inclusivity. Dragan’s expertise will illuminate how tailored mentorship and coaching can effectively support neurodivergent talent, driving not only individual growth but also creating a more inclusive and thriving workplace environment. Join us to learn how to make meaningful changes that benefit both employees and organizations.


    Episode 67:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Finding Hope: Andrew McDonald’s Journey of Neurodivergence, bullying and Suicide

In today’s episode, we address a sensitive and critical topic that affects many neurodivergent individuals: trauma that can lead to suicidal thoughts and attempts. We are joined by Andrew McDonald, who courageously shares his personal journey, the devastating decisions he faced, and how his leap into entrepreneurship became the right fit for him.

Please note, this is a deeply sensitive conversation. If you are experiencing similar trauma, we urge you to seek help.

    Episode 68:

Joseph K Muscat Neurodiversity Consultancy

Building Bridges: HR and Neurodiverse Talent

In this episode, I sit down with Natalie Lewis, the owner and operator of the award-winning HR firm, HR Dynamics. Natalie opens up about her personal journey as a Neurodivergent individual and sheds light on the common mistakes small businesses make as they expand. We also explore practical strategies for creating genuinely inclusive environments for Neurodivergent talent. This conversation is full of personal stories and expert advice on fostering diversity, supporting business growth, and building inclusive workplaces where everyone can thrive. Tune in for an enlightening discussion on shaping the future of work!



New episodes

I  publish every two weeks on Wednesday at 9:00 am.

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